Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Theanine - news on this fabulous natural ingredient

The Alliance For Natural Health recently wrote an article in response to the "New Scientist" Magazine's suggestion that ADHD, ADD, and Alzheimer's drugs may help the brain.
Ritalin can cause cancer, damage chromosomes in children, while Adderall can damage the liver.
luckily there are some NATURAL remedies that can help: Theanine!
Guess what? Theanine is an ingredient in Supplement-IT!

"... try theanine, one of the ingredients of green tea. This amino acid is known to have calming properties. Research has shown theanine to calm the brain by producing alpha waves. Theanine is also thought to increase GABA, the brain chemical that naturally controls anxiety. GABA can also be taken as a supplement but is poorly absorbed. Thorne Research has a form of GABA called Pharma Gaba Pro that seems to be much better absorbed and can be a life saver for someone suffering from anxiety."

Read more of this great article here.

To order Supplement-IT or learn more about Theanine in particular, go to our website:

Thursday, September 30, 2010

#fightbreastcancer TODAY

Jason Sadler of
sent this message today.
"Today we are wearing shirts for Susan G. Komen for the Cure today and helping them try to break a Guinness World Record for the most widespread social network message in 24 Hours (#fightbreastcancer). I rarely ask a favor of you guys and would hope you'd be willing to join in today and spread #fightbreastcancer on Facebook (through a status, wall post, profile picture, video, etc), tweets, blog posts, YouTube videos, email lists and anything else.

Somewhere in the world a woman dies of breast cancer every 69 seconds. We can all pitch, FOR FREE, and help make a difference today with #fightbreastcancer. My family has survived multiple bouts with breast cancer and it would mean the world to us to have you help today.

Have a fantastic day and make sure you tell the people close to you that you love them."

We are reposting, because we want to help the Susan G Komen for the Cure today!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Altered Salmon?

Is it fish or "Frakenfish" ? The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) will have to decide if they approve the sale of genetically altered salmon or not.

Read more about Salmon here.

What do you think? Should we eat genetically altered fish? or no? Leave your comments below. We want to hear from YOU!

The staff at Supplement-IT

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dragon*Con Pics & Videos!

Supplement-IT goes to Dragon*Con!
Check out the action.
Video 1 Video 2

Also, don't forget to view Supplement-IT's Dragon*Con Photo album.

We had a blast at Dragon*Con. Those of you who were there, know what we are talking about. Hopefully we'll see more fans out there next year, and who knows? you might end up in one of our videos!

In honor of Dragon*Con 2010, we are offering a 50% off special on Supplement-IT through September 15th. Hurry, these prices won't last long!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wikipedia bias against Natural Health Information?

According to a recent bulletin from the Alliance for Natural Health, Wikipedia articles for pro-health freedom, natural health, and alternative medicine are being gutted, removed, or vandalized.

Read more about this unfortunate and terrible situation here.

Well, they cannot censor Supplement-IT's site. Read our Ingredient information anytime. Just click on an ingredient to read more about it, with links to various articles (not strictly Wikipedia articles).

Be an informed Supplement consumer!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Supplement-IT and the SMAZEN Enterprises Staff went to Dragon*Con 2010. We had a BLAST. We met lots of interesting people, vendors, and handed out lots of prizes, fliers, and pens.

Photos and YouTube Videos coming soon!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

End of Summer Sale & Great News!


Right now
, you can get Supplement-IT for 50% off, during our end of summer sale!
Go to to place your order today!



Our manufacturer, Nutricap Labs has exciting news:


Nutricap Labs is proud to announce that for the second year in a row,
the company has made the Inc. 500 | 5000 List of America's Fastest Growing Private Companies.

Thanks To Our Customers

We wouldn't have won this prestigious award for two years in a row without your continued support and patronage! For 2010, Nutricap Labs was ranked the 413th fastest-growing company in America, as well as the 39th fastest-growing private company in the tri-state area and the 27th fastest-growing company in the health industry.


SEE YOU AT DRAGON*CON over Labor Day Weekend!
We'll have the Supplement-IT girls, prizes, photos, and more.
Come check it out!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Discovering Start-Ups just reviewed Supplement-IT.

VOTE for us today!

Thank you in advance!
The Staff of Supplement-IT

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Supp - Dragon*Con!

The Supplement-IT Girls will be going to Dragon*Con this year!
Spot us there
Get your picture taken with the lovely ladies!
Get Focused, Stay Healthy at

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

News and Reviews

Supplement-IT was just reviewed on!
Read the review by clicking ---> here.

Supplement-IT is now available for sale at Advanced Integrative Healthcare in Roswell, GA.
Here is a link to their website ---> AIH Link.

SMAZEN Enterprises LLC (the company which created Supplement-IT) was also mentioned on the Small Business Services Website this week.

Alliance for Natural Health just reported that the FTC does not get expanded powers over supplements!


to top it all off with a big cherry, our manufacturer Nutricap Labs - has just won the Stevie Award for the 2010 Best Overall Company of the Year (up to 100 employees – all other industries) by the American Business Awards!!!


Monday, June 21, 2010

Meeting Dr Weil !!!

Our very own Cube Escapee got to meet Dr. Andrew Weil at the Nutrition & Health Conference 2010's Public Health Forum. Other speakers were Sanjay Gupta from CNN, and Dr. David A. Kessler. Tara Lemmey mediated the discussion.

Background on the featured speakers:
Dr. Andrew Weil, MD, is an integrative medicine pioneer, best-selling author, and internationally recognized thought leader, and founder/director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (AzCIM) at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center in Tucson, AZ. He also holds the Jones/Lovell Endowed Chair in Integrative Rheumatology and is Clinical Professor of Medicine and Professor of Public Health. He has written several books, trained hundreds of health care providers, donates after-tax profits from royalties from sales of Weil Lifestyle, LLC products directly to the Weil Foundation (non-profit).

Sanjay Gupta, MD, is Emmy award winning chief medical correspondant for the Health, Medical & Wellness unit at CNN and practicing neurosurgeon. He anchors the weekend medical affairs program "Sanjay Gupta MD" and lead the network's medical reporting. Gupta was among the first to arrive in Haiti following the massive earthquake of Jan 2010, and continues to return to report from Haiti. He contributed to CNN's Peabody Award-winning coverage of Hurricane Katrina, and his "Charity Hospital" reporting for "Anderson Cooper 360" resulted in a 2006 News & Documentary Emmy for Outstanding Feature Story. In 2004, Gupta's coverage of the tsunami disaster in Sri Lanka contributed to CNN's 2005 Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia Award. He launched "Fit Nation" (an anti-obesity initiative), and is a member of staff and faculty at Emory University School of Medicine, the associate chief of neurosurgery at Grady Memorial Hospital, a member of American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, and the Council on Foreign Relations. He is also a diplomat of the American Board of Neurosurgery and a certified Medical Investigator. He has also written two books Chasing Life and Cheating Death.

David A. Kessler, MD, is Professor of Pediatrics and Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). He was Dean of the School of Medicine and Vice Chancellor for Medical Affairs at UCSF from 2003-2007, and Dean of the University of Yale School of Medicine from 1997-2003. Dr. Kessler who served as Commissioner of the United States Food & Drug Administration from Nov.1990 -March1997, was appointed by President Bush and reappointed by President Clinton. He serves on the board of various organizations including the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, where he is Chairman of the Board, the National Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, and Amherst College. He is known for his book "The End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite" published April 2009.

Cube Escapee's NOTES
  • USA is ranked 37th in healthcare in the world. 37th!
  • Dr Weil mentioned (paraphrasing) he is glad we have the HealthCare Reform Bill, but it's about Health Insurance Reform, and in reality we need Health Care reform.
  • Dr Kessler says in the last 3-4 decades it used to be - age 10-40 we gained weight, but then tapered off until 60s, then decline. Now we seem to continue to gain weight past 40 into our 60s then decline. Diabetes is a huge issue now.
  • Fat, Sugar, and Salt are available 24/7, every corner, socially acceptable, and emotionally tied to us.
  • Dr Weil - We have a dysfunctional system, money is flowing into pharmaceuticals/politicians, etc. Change has to come from grass roots movement
  • Advertising is not restricted in regards to children and food ads
  • Dr Gupta - unhealthy food is also cheaper these days.
  • It feels like everything is stacked against us. Food is/was the first addiction. Food is more powerful than we realize. Too easy to "self-stimulate" with food.
  • One cannot walk down the street without seeing within 10 ft - bombardment of food cues or advertising.
  • Sodium is an issue also - we intake too much salt
  • Dr Weil - Obesity is becoming more and more serious. Eventually, it may become a matter of national security - as less and less folks can pass military exams due to obesity,
  • Dr Kessler says it has to do with stimuli. You give someone a handful of tobacco and say "go have fun" but that isn't enough
  • You package it, add sexy/cool/advertising, give it a package, design, etc. Then it becomes appealing.
  • Give someone a bag of sugar and say "go have fun" - so what?
  • but you add packaging, refinement, mouth feel, fat, salt, and guess what? You have chocolate!
  • People overeat due to stress, in private, they self-medicate.
  • People will tend to eat what is cheapest and most available.
  • can we make unhealthy food more expensive and less available?
  • When one grows developmentally, the avg. 2yr old can compensate, but by 4-5 yrs old, they cannot compensate and eat all day.
  • We could take cues from France and Italy. Quality of food is better, you can eat less and be satisified, not eating crap and wanting more.
  • Economics drive the food price/availability.
  • topic of ant-acid drugs: your stomach acid is the first defense against infection. Some drugs today will stop stomach acid growth, cause breeding ground for infections.
  • Along with obesity, Depression is growing, it is a disease of affluence. Much less of this sort of issue in (for example) Haiti.
  • Dr. Gupta - Environmental toxins are also an issue. There are 80,000 plus different toxins out there, but we've only studied 200 under the Toxic Safe Chemical Act!
  • Dr. Weil- public health versus private gain - usually private gain wins.
  • You have to be practical.
  • Drink purified water, grow own food, buy/shop organic (which is expensive, not always available), local produce, geotherm/in house crops, phase out plastic, do not keep poison's in house (aka: no exterminator visits)
  • Ingestion of supplements - does it enhance our lives? yes/no?
  • Dr. Weil - is in favor of dietary supplements, but not as substitute for food. We need certain micro-nutrients found in food. Supplements should be used for gaps in the diet.
  • He recommends Vitamin D and E, and Omega 3s.
  • He used to overdoes on Vitamin C but found it was not worth it (expensive Pee)
  • Dr Gupta says yes, but Vitamin E can be dangerous in too large of a dose.
  • Dr. Kessler discussed Nutrition Labels, what is helpful to know? It would be good to know the fat/sugar/salt content.
  • Dr. Weil says it would be great if we had the glycemic load listed on the labels - as certain carbs can raise blood sugar. High glycemic index means quick digestion - aka can trigger high blood sugar and weight gain.
  • Dr. Weil says it would be best to try to lower salt/sodium intake.
  • Dr. Weil says saturated fat is not as bad as we once thought, but still eat in moderation. He personally saves his "allowance of saturated fat" for cheese. not a license to eat anything you want.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cocktail Party + Silent Auction for Journey Performing Arts Center

Cocktail Party + Silent Auction for Journey Performing Arts Center
Friday, May 14th, 2010 8pm
2200 Peachtree Rd. NW
Atlanta, GA 30309
Suggested donation, $20 or purchase of an auction item.
Supplement-IT is one of the auction items! Help support local Atlanta Arts!

Alive Expo 2010

6th Annual Alive! Expo Atlanta
The Natural Products and Green Living Event
Georgia World Congress Center, Hall C1
May 15 & 16, 2010
Saturday: 10am to 7pm
Sunday: 11am to 6pm

Advanced Discounted Tickets are on sale,
General Admission Tickets Green Gourmet Lounge VIP Tickets
$10 in advance / $12 at door $30 in advance / $35 at door

SAVE $5 OFF any ticket purchase with a donation of 2 or more non-perishable food items
Use Promo Code: AENEWS

Here is what you will be able to find at the Alive Expo show:
  • Natural Products — such as body care, vitamins and supplements
  • Organic Foods — local and national brands PLUS the on-site Publix GreenWise Pavilion
  • Green Living — information on Soy Spray Insulation, Chemical Free Carpet Cleaning, Energy Efficient Windows
  • Live Health Lectures — information on living a healthy lifestyle from industry experts
  • On-Stage Cooking Demonstrations — learn easy and delicious healthy recipes that you can cook at home!
  • Fitness & Yoga Demos — new and fun techniques on staying fit
  • On-Site Daycare — Atlanta Show only — here Mom and Dad can drop the little tykes off and go hang out at the cooking or lecture stage
  • Green Artist Marketa new addition in Atlanta & Seattle — hand made art and art made from recycled/reclaimed materials
  • Eco Fashion Showa new addition in Atlanta & Seattle — check out new fashion designs made from recycled materials such as juice boxes and plastic bottles
  • Kids Eco Fitness Centera new addition to Atlanta Expo Only — sponsored by the Ovie Mughelli Foundation — kids of ALL sizes will be able to run drills and toss footballs with Ovie Mughelli, Atlanta Falcons Fullback and a few of his football friends!!! Ovie Mughelli and the other players will be available on-site for autographs and photos!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

HUGE SALE - 50% off for 1 week only!

Supp-IT is running a HUGE May special! For one week only, get 50% off using code "suppfifty" at Offer good until Midnight on May 8th. Eastern Time.

June 2010 GMP presentation - courtesy of Nutricap Labs

Today we attended a webinar from Nutricap Labs (who coincidentally is our manufacturer) about the June 2010 GMPs. It was very informative, and makes us all the more confident that we have a wonderful and quality product in Supplement-IT.
I'm proud to report that Nutricap Labs is definitely GMP compliant, and their team is quite knowledgeable about the law and has ensured their facility is watching out for our health and safety in the Supplement world.

If you'd like more information on this topic, we are more than happy to help.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

All the "Weil"

Read what Dr. Andrew Weil has to say about our Supplement ingredients.

Theanine - also L-theanine in Tea
Rhodiola Rosea - also Rhodiola Rosea & the elderly
Beta Glucan
Vitamin D
Vitamin E

Monday, April 19, 2010

SQL DBA Tipster - gives a shout-out to Supp-IT

Thanks to SQL DBA Tipster for a lovely article about Supplement-IT on his blog.
To read more, click

Thank you again!

Remember, you can get discounts on your purchases of Supplement-IT. This month's coupon code is "suppspring".

Supplement-IT news and happenings

We have some reviewers from ShrinkGeek reviewing Supplement-IT this month. Hooray! Shrink Geek is blog/site dedicated to geek health and losing weight (thus the "shrink" part of the name). Welcome ShrinkGeeks!

Alive Expo
Coming to Atlanta on Saturday & Sunday May 15 & 16th - Alive Expo - The Natural Products and Green Living Expo (the largest health and wellness consumer event in the Southeast). Check out their website for options for Consumers, Exhibitors, and Sponsors. Event will be at the Georgia World Congress Center Hall C1.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cube Escapee discusses Happy Hour

"If you are anything like me, you need Happy Hour at least once every few weeks to keep you sane. However, as we all know, Happy Hour can lead to the none-to-pleasant DUI for some unlucky person who imbibed too much, or tried to drive home too early.

On this note, I give you Web MD's "5 Tips to Avoid Overdoing It".

Also, if you are trying to give up Alcohol altogether, remember Supplement-IT can help give you the calming focus you need to stay sane in the workplace." - Cube Escapee

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Stay up-to-date on Supplement News

Alliance for Natural Health USA.
Join their newsletter list to get important news fast.

SMAZEN Enterprises LLC - creators of Supplement-IT

Supplements safe - for now

National Products Association press article.
"The NPA is pleased that industry champions Hatch and Harkin have reached an agreement with McCain and Dorgan on reasonable measures to strengthan the regulation of dietary supplements without opening up to DSHEA."

Alliance for Natural Health's Article.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Top O' The Mornin' To You!

Do you feel Lucky?
In the month of March 2010 you can use coupon code "supplucky" at checkout on a single order of Supplement-IT to get 17% off!
Place your order now!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Additional FAQs

The Question was: Why is the plastic safety seal is not perforated? Since its not perforated we have to cut it off. Its a very, very small issue.

Answer: Good question about the perforation. We didn't specify any special need for a perforated safety seal when the supplement was being manufactured, so I am guessing we got the "default" safety seal. That could be something we change on future bottles perhaps. Although, honestly, this is the first time someone has asked us about it.
Observation from 1 user: He felt like his body temp went up almost immediately after taking Supplement-IT. It was not a complaint at all but he was curious if this has happened to others and what might be causing it.

Answer: Nobody has previously mentioned noticing any change in body temperature,
however one of our ingredients Citicoline's side effects include elevated body temperature - according to Dr. Ray Sahelian, but also our ingredients Rhodiola Rosea and Vitamin E are said to help regulate body temperature. Also, there is approximately 15 mg of Citicoline in 1 capsule of Supplement-IT so I am surprised that such a low dosage would have a noticeable effect on one's body temperature.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Supplement-IT encourages you to Drink Well, Do Good!

Supplement-IT is all about being well and doing good! so we'd like to tell you about a wonderful charity event we are helping to promote.

On Wednesday, February 24, the local Atlanta TWITs Wine Club (TWIT = The Winos In Training) are holding a special wine tasting of three wonderful wines from a South African winemaker called M’Hudi. Cube Escapee has tasted two of those wines before and they are amazing!

The tasting will benefit ISAW, a non-profit organization founded by a friend and sommelier Stephen Satterfield. The ISAW Foundation is an advocate for using wine to improve the lives of historically disenfranchised Africans by partnering with black-owned and socially-conscious winemakers in South Africa as well as providing education and training to African farmers and winemakers.

The tasting will take place at the Emily Amy Gallery , a wonderful new space owned by another friend of the TWITs, Emily . So, you get to enjoy great wine AND fine art for a good cause!

For details, please see the invitation above. We ask that our guests consider making a $20 fully tax-deductible donation per person to reserve their spot and support ISAW. The organization will have to purchase the wine for our event in advance, so we’d like to know how many people will attend. In the invite, you will find details about how you can make your donation.

Please forward the invitation to all the Atlanta wine aficionados you know! We are looking forward to seeing you all at the Emily Amy Gallery on the 24th! It will be fun and it will benefit a worthy cause!

Drink Well, Do Good!

If you’d like to find out more:


Drink Well, Do Good Tour:

Stephen talking about the 2010 ISAW fundraising tour: v=vtTukgwo6Uc

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Supplements In DANGER ?

Update: Senator McCain Cosponsors a New Bill That Threatens Your Access to Supplements and Repeals Key Sections of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act
Read more ----->>> here.
Take action now!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

See what Dr. Andrew Weil has to say about Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and other geek related remedies. Kevin Rose (of interviews Dr. Weil.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Livin' the Cube Escapee Life

Yes, we can talk about Supplement-IT until we are blue in the face, but what does the lifestyle of a Supplement-IT fan look like? Let's explore:

Cube Escapee - our first customer and biggest fan - is an I.T. Professional by day, and escapes out of her cube and back into her life by night. Well, at least until her pager starts beeping...

Let's start at the beginning:
Cube used to be tired, stressed-out, irritable, cranky, and was gaining weight. She was starting to get migraines from the back tension and headaches. She was working long hours, and eating processed foods, drinking too much caffeine and alcohol, and not exercising. Cube began getting 4-5 sinus infections or colds each year. Her chiropractor bills, doctor visits, and prescriptions were draining her FSA and benefit accounts. She found she had to wear glasses due to the strain on her eyes. She blamed her bad habits and sicknesses on the stress of her job. Sure, the job wasn't easy, but it was only going to get worse. The economy was going downhill, and her team's headcount was being reduced. Time for a new solution.

Cube started looking into vitamins and supplements, and other natural remedies. There had to be a way to survive this lifestyle, and still be healthy. She also started working out at her local gym in the mornings. She started drinking more water, and stretching when her neck started to get stiff. She took a veritable handful of supplement pills each day. Still, there was only caffeine to keep her awake during the long work hours and night time pages. And, she felt she was taking too many pills. There had to be a better way.

Suddenly, one day, she discovered Supplement-IT! This was the answer! Finally, a supplement made just for her unique challenges. It was also vegan and non-caffeinated, so she didn't need to have so much coffee. Also, since Supplement-IT had many needed vitamins in it, she could reduce her daily intake of pills to just Supplement-IT and her allergy pill. It was SO much more simplified and easy to remember to take 2 items each day, as opposed to 10.

Today, Cube still works those crazy hours, but now she takes Supplement-IT. Cube is more fit, less caffeinated, and she feels in control of her situation. Her mood is uplifted, and she has had less sinus infections or colds than before taking Supplement-IT. Her immune system has been boosted! She has energy without the jitters! Her eyes are less strained and she doesn't need her glasses as often.

Cube loves her new way of life, thanks to Supplement-IT!
She was such a huge fan, she became one of our Supplement-IT Girls. Check them out on YouTube here.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Limited time Coupon Code

We LOVE our customers. That's why from now, until Valentine's Day, you can use coupon code "supplove" at checkout on a single order of Supplement-IT to get 20% off!
Place your order now!

Vitamin E questions and answers

Is our Vitamin E naturally made or not, and is it healthy to have it dosed so high?

Vitamin E can be derived naturally (from wheat, etc) or made synthetically. The Vitamin E in Supplement-IT is synthetically made.
Our ingredient is "Vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate)" This means our supplement is GLUTEN FREE, which is a selling point. yay!
To read more:

Why do we have 100 IU or 333% Daily Value of Vitamin E in our supplement? or rather, is this a safe amount to consume?
Yes, this is fine. There is 100 IU of "Vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate)" in 2 capsules of Supplement-IT.
even if someone were to take 200 IU of "Vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate)" or 4 capsules of Supplement-IT per day, it would not harm them according to :

"The FNB has established ULs for vitamin E based on the potential for hemorrhagic effects (see Table 3). The ULs apply to all forms of supplemental alpha-tocopherol, including the eight stereoisomers present in synthetic vitamin E. Doses of up to 1,000 mg/day (1,500 IU/day of the natural form or 1,100 IU/day of the synthetic form) in adults appear to be safe, although the data are limited and based on small groups of people taking at least 2,000 IU for a few weeks or months. Long-term intakes above the UL increase the risk of adverse health effects [6]. Vitamin E ULs for infants have not been established."

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Supplement-IT Girls on YouTube!

After a fun day of photo shoots and video editing,
we have our first Supplement-IT Girls YOU TUBE Video!
Photos from the shoot are also on our FaceBook Fan Page.


Supplement-IT Girls YouTube Video

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Feedback for Supplement-IT

Overwhelmingly, all of our friends and customers who have tried Supplement-IT, say it works! They love it! It's the best thing since sliced bread. We also poll new users/customers with an anonymous survey, so we can take any feedback into account. We stress to our survey-takers that we want their candid and honest feedback for this amazing new product. Good or bad, we want to know what they think. We want to know what YOU think too! Feel free to drop us a line anytime.

However, there are some folks who haven't tried it yet, and these are the questions we seem to receive:
Is this really your supplement? or are you reselling it?
No folks, this is the REAL deal. The creators of
Supplement-IT are two IT Professionals. We created it. Nobody else created Supplement-IT. It's ours. We made it for YOU! You can only buy Supplement-IT from our company (SMAZEN Enterprises LLC) or our website.

You guys aren't doctors, chemists, or scientists - why should I trust this product?
True we aren't doctors/chemists/scientists. We came up with the formula for this product by ourselves through a ton of research and brainstorming. However, we did work with industry chemists, nutritionists, and scientists to perfect the formula to ensure it was safe, had little, to no interactions, and was as natural/green-friendly as possible. We interviewed many, but selected a GMP certified neutraceutical manufacturer (
Nutricap Labs) to make our formula into reality. THEN, once those bottles came in the mail, we tested on ourselves, individually, before releasing it to the public. We stand behind our product with a 30-day risk-free guarantee. You try it, you don't like it? Send it back. We'll refund you the cost of your 30 day supply PLUS shipping/handling.

How the heck did you come up with this idea?
It's simple really. We work in Information Technology. We live the cubical life. We carry the pager/blackberry on our hip 24/7. We know what it's like to work an 8 hr day, come home, sit down to dinner, and "Beep-beep-beep" dial into work for another potential 4-6 hours. We HAD to stay focused, to concentrate, to stay awake and alert. Before now, there was only the option of Caffeinated drinks/pills/beverages. There weren't other options. It's not healthy to live that way. We wanted a healthier alternative for ourselves, and for others. We started with a list of wants - what effects should a supplement of this nature produce? Then we looked at ingredients. What ingredients could possibly give the effects that we wanted? We trimmed our ingredient list by cross-indexing for interactions, safety, known issues, and looked for natural ingredients whenever possible. Then we went to our scientist/chemist friends, and refined the formula further, and so on - until our manufacturers made it a reality for us. It's VEGAN too. We even went so far as to ensure that our ingredients will work WITH Caffeine - as most of you are already caffeinated by the time you get our product. If you want an alternative to the caffeine. If you want ingredients which may give you non-caffeinated energy, focus, concentration, boost to your immune system, nutrients you're missing from sunlight deprivation, support or your eyesight, then look no further, SUPPLEMENT-IT has those ingredients!

We'll write more later, but noodle on this for a bit. Until then, Thanks for listening.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Questions about Rhodiola Rosea - an ingredient in Supplement-IT

Last week, a caller asked us about Rhodiola Rosea. This ingredient has been pretty big in the nutritional news lately, and thus we have had several calls on the product.

What is it?
Rhodiola Rosea is a plant, found in Europe, Asia, and Artic regions.

Why is it so special?

It has been documented to have effects as an endurance enhancer, mood lifter, and help prevent depression. "It can increase the body’s responses to a variety of physical, chemical and biological stressors. Researchers tout its usefulness in warding off depression, cancer and cardiopulmonary dysfunctions. It can also be used to treat hypertension, irritability, headaches, fatigue and many other sleep disturbances. It may even be helpful in increasing thyroid function, improving memory and learning capabilities, regulating menstruation and infertility and even helping to protect one from environmental toxins." - Source

Are there any interactions?
Currently, there are no known documented interactions with Rhodiola Rosea. However, it has been recommended that pregnant or breast-feeding mothers do not take it, as extensive studies in this area have not been finished. Also, because Rhodiola Rosea is a stimulant, it has been said that bi-polar or manic-depressive patients should not take it.

What are the side-effects, if any of using Rhodiola Rosea?
Currently, the only known side-effects are irritability and insomnia, but this has been seen only when a dosage of 1500mg are taken per day.
Even if you took 4 capsules of Supplement-IT per day, you wouldn't come close to that exorbant dosage of Rhodiola Rosea.

Tell me more about Supplement-IT and Rhodiola Rosea.
The form of Rhodiola Rosea used in Supplement-IT is a powder, not the liquid extract.
There are no documented interactions, but it is recommended that manic-depressive patients, or nursing/pregnant mothers, not take Rhodiola Rosea.
The amount of Rhodiola Rosea within Supplement-IT is low enough, that even if you took 4 capsules a day (twice the recommended serving), you should not have the side-effects mentioned above.

Try Supplement-IT today!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to our friends, family, and fans!

Here's wishing you a joyous, prosperous, and uplifting New Year!

SMAZEN Enterprises LLC
creators of Supplement-IT

Become a fan on FaceBook! Supplement-IT Facebook Fan Page