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Supplement-IT, the first dietary supplement created for IT Professionals by IT Professionals!
Do you work long hours?
Are you on-call 24 by 7 ?
Do you face daily outages or system failures?
Are you called upon to perform extensive troubleshooting?
Does your 8 hour day often turn into a 18 hour night?
Then Supplement-IT is for you. Supplement-IT , created for IT Professionals by IT Professionals. Supplement-IT may enhance: energy, mental clarity, calm, stamina, endurance, focus, and even boost your immune system.
1am outage? 8am conference call? No problem! It's the server, It's the network, It's Supplement-IT to the rescue!
Compliance got you down? Try Supplement-IT! Supplement-IT, Making YOU High Availability!
Supplement-IT was created by two Information Technology Professionals who lived your daily grind. They know first-hand the effects of sleep deprivation, relentless pages, never-ending bridge calls, and the cubical life. We've been there, we know your pain, and we can help.
Having trouble staying focused? Supplement-IT contains Quercetin, an antioxidant that supports mental alertness, concentration, work performance, and attention to detail.
Need to calm down? We included Theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, which can produce a calming effect, improve your mood, while also increasing your focus and cerebral functions.
Weakened Immune System? Cubicals within office walls are not always well ventilated causing airborne germs & viruses to be passed quickly from worker to worker. Your immune system Needs to be as sharp as your mind. Supplement-IT has Beta-Glucan - an immune system's best friend.
Always reading small print? Staring at those harshly bright computer monitors, reading print smaller than atomic particles, while under-pressure to solve those outages immediately... Supplement-IT has Citicoline to assist with concentration, and Lutein for better eye focus.
Stress rising? Getting tense? Supplement-IT has Rhodiola Rosea, to help fight stress, anxiety, and depression to lighten your mood.
Lack of sunlight? IT Professionals most often indoors are away from sunlight, depriving the body of needed nutrients. Supplement-IT contains Vitamin D and E, to help you get the nutrients you are missing.
A 30-day supply of Supplement-IT can be yours for only $59.99! **BUY NOW**
Supplement-IT developers partnered with accredited manufacturers, chemists, and intense quality testing, to perfect this unique formula. Our product meets strict FDA guidelines and we even use it ourselves.
Try a 30-day supply of Supplement-IT risk-free. If you don't like it, return it for a full refund (including shipping & handling)...
We take an enormous pride in our product, and hope to enhance lives along the way.
We look forward to doing business with you. Thank you!
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